Project le champion
At Le Champion they want to inspire and facilitate as many people as possible, young and old, to exercise and exercise, in order to contribute to vital people and a healthy society.
Every year they organize approximately 60 sporting events, with the help of 35 employees and 3,500 volunteers. They do this through good cooperation with their sponsors, partners, municipalities and many organizations involved.
A good cause is linked to all sporting events that Le Champion organizes. Participants in the cycling, running and walking events donate an amount to a good cause per event. To this end, Le Champion collaborates with a large number of charity organizations.
Their beautiful canvases, often printed on both sides, were transformed into very original bags. A nice detail is that we used medal ribbons that were left over from the various events as handles on the bags. That makes these unique bags even more unique!

Nienke Slobbe: “the bags look very nice!”
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Contact us for ideas and more information.
Upcycling of your
used textile materials
Contact details
+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865