Project Muntpunt
Muntpunt is more than just a library, they are a reading and learning point for curious minds. It is an information point for anyone who wants to live, work, study or live in Brussels. A second home for those who want to relax or meet new people. For those who want to surf or hide, even in good weather. And for anyone who is looking for or wants to tell a story.
In the 10 years of their existence, they had various banners left-over from their many activities, and wanted to give them a new life. In consultation, bicycle handlebar bags, protective covers for the books they lend, and new covers for the wooden beach chairs were chosen. A nice initiative for a 10th birthday!

Ines Thora: “We have received the goods and are very satisfied!”
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Contact us for ideas and more information.
Upcycling of your
used textile materials
Contact details
+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865