Project NVZ
The Dutch Association of Hospitals (NVZ) stands for healthcare. The NVZ has been representing the interests of Dutch general hospitals, rehabilitation centers and categorical care institutions for 30 years.
The fact that The NVZ has a green heart was evident from the assignment we were allowed to carry out for them. Banners were left over from an event. They thought it was a shame to throw them away and approached us.
We had these beautiful bags made for them, and hope that they will be used with pleasure!

Miriam Camps-Atsma:
“They turned out very beautiful, thanks for that! I will also show them to other colleagues, so that they are also aware of what is possible with banners.
If we have banners again in the future, we will be happy to come back to you!”
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Upcycling of your
used textile materials
Contact details
+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865