Re-banner news

logo Plus Retail BV

new salespoint at The Maker Store


as of today our collection can alos be purchased at The Makers Store in Amsterdam. This is the place in Amsterdam for unique and authentic items of high quality, made by local makers. The store offers a combination of high quality accessories, innovative art, sustainable fashion and more. We are proud to part of this!


logo Plus Retail BV

Re-Banner for Plus Retail

january 28th, 2022

We are participating in a test at Plus Retail in the Netherlands. The first presentation is up in Almere. Old commercial banners were transformed to these practical XXL shoppingbags that can be folded into a small pouch. 

Plus Retail is a pioneer within the supermarket business in the field of sustainability. So nice that we have been able to join this project. within this testfase there will be 2 more branches soon.


Helen & Cecile founders of Re-Banner


December 20th, 2021 

A nice interview by Anne Ton-a-Joe from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with Helen. Are you curious to learn more about Re-Banner? Read all about it with below link (sorry, article is in Dutch only).


TV opname bij Makers Unite

TV debut

november 30th, 2021 

Today we had our TV debut with NH nieuws in the program “pak an doen”! This program looks at the way a sober “Noord-Hollander”handles a business. Without any testing or judgements. 

The recording was filmed at the workshop of Makers Unite in Amsterdam, during the production of our order for Felyx. In the interview we explain what we do and what we stand for. A squary, but also fun experience for us. We are very proud of the result! 

If you want to read the article and watch the movie, just click on the link below.


logo Masters & Crafters

masters & crafters

november 17th, 2021 

A nice article in the Mater & Crafters newsletter about our colaboration with furniture maker Rosaly Bodewes from Base Creative which resulted in our chair SITS.

beursstand CTD

Circular Textile Days

September 16th, 2021 

On September 14th and 15th we did our first tradeshow!

In our booth we showed different kind of items that we can make from used commercial banners. Such a fun and educational expierence the Circular Textile Days have been for us! We made a lot of new contacts and met interesting people. Good to see that everyone was here with the same goal: improving the climate!


circular textile days logo

Circular Textile Days

August 18th, 2021 

We have decided to participate with the Circular Textile Days in Amersfoort. This takes place on September 14/15th in the “Prodentfabiek”. 

In our booth we will show you what we can make out of old commercial banners.


green key en good planet logo

Green Key

August 16th, 2021 

Another newsletter that mentions us! Tis time it’s the Flemish version of Green Key. Green Key is coordinated by Good Planet with the support of “Toerisme Vlaanderen”

Green Key is an international eco-label for tourism and leasure. The International Green Key label contains over 250 B&B’s and vacation homes, hotels and campings as well as vacationcenters- and parks, restaurants and attraction, youthhostels and meetingcenters in Belgium.

sorry, the article is in dutch only.

logo hetkanWEL


August 10th, 2021 

What a nice surpise this morning! We have been mentioned as tip in the newsletter of hetkanWEL!

Since 2005 “hetkanWEL” gives you a daily portion of inspiration for a greener, more honest and fun life. They give you practical tips, keep you up to date of the latest developments, trends and innovations. They also interview inspiring people doing special things. The articles are accessible, positive, practical, independent and well substantiated. In 2019 and 2020 “hetkanWEL” was voted best and most popular Website of the Year in the category “sustainable”.

sorry, the article is in dutch only.

logo locaties met meerwaarde(n)

Locaties met meerwaarde(n)

July 29th, 2021 

We have been added to this nice website:

The mission of “locaties met meerwaarde(n)” (locations with added value):

It is our dream that respect for men, nature and culture will be become the norm in the event industry.

We offer a platform for meeting and event locations with a high corporate social responsibility. This way we inspire one another, organisers of meetings and event industry.

More than that, “locaties met meerwaarde(n)” is a social enterprise. Part of our turnover is donated to charity.

this way we will make the world a little bit better with every event!

logo Masters & Crafters

Masters & Crafters

July 22nd, 2021 


Our flycurtains can now also be puchased on this unique platform. 

Masters & Crafters: “We love exclusive handmade products. Read why we prefer handmade, customised products instead of of cheap massproduction. We’re convinced that you will turn into a fan of handmade items as well!”

Exposure company eco logo

Exposure Company

July 20th, 2021 


Through the website of Exposure Company, a fullservice signing and printing company, we now also offer our sevices to their customers. Together we try to expand the livespan of as many commercial banners as possible and this way avoid the destruction of these materials.


June 25th, 2021 

Our flycurtains can now also be purchased through the website of LOXO.

At LOXO they feel that it’s time to go act normal again. And normal means it’s time to purchase products with a positive contribution.

therefore LOXO offers a platform to entrepeneurs with products taht contribute to a better world.

The era of damaging the world is over. No more back to business, but forward with business.

Isn’t that the most normal thing in the world?

sdg impact

June 24th, 2021 

We are proud that as of today we achieved the bronze certificate of SDG Impact. This is a database where you can find the impact of organizations, linked to the Sustainable Development Goals they stand for.

The mission of SDG: making business operations based on visible and measurable impact on the Sustainable Development Goals the norm.

The vision of SDG: to develop an all-encompassing database to make it clear for everyone at a glance which companies are working on each Sustainable Development Goal and to what extent.


June 16th, 2021 

 We have been interviewed on the “birthplace” of Re-Banner. Check out the video below.

sign+ magazine

June 8th, 2021 

A nice article on a website for the printindustry. This way they direct their customers to our service.

Watch the LinkedIn post

recycling nederland

May 18th, 2021

A nice article on the website of Recycling Nederland (sorry, this article is in Dutch only).

Lab Concept Store

May 7th, 2021

For direct customer sales we started a collaboration with concept store LAB in Baarn (the Netherlands). Visit the store to see, feel and buy one of our unique flycurtains.

Camper Homie

May 5th, 2021

Our unique flycurtains are not only manufactured in standardsizes. Due to the fact that there’re all handmade, we can also make them to fit for example caravans and campervans. This resulted in this blog that tells you more about the origin of Re-Banner (sorry, this article is in Dutch only).

Reflow Project

April 27th, 2021

Our first publication! We are very proud to be mentioned on the REFLOW website as “best practice”.

The Reflow project aims to develop circular and regenerative cities through enabling active citizen involvement and systematic change to re-think the current approach to material flows in cities. Amsterdam is one of the 6 pilot cities in Europe. 


Upcycling of your
used textile materials

Contact details

+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865