Project brownys agencies
The history of Brownys starts with Frank Bruynesteijn. A surname that evoked respect and conviviality in Amsterdam and the world of events. His nickname ‘Browny’ logically became the name of the company. The Bruynesteijns ran the business together for many years. With verve, unbridled passion and success. Frank has put his heart and soul into the company since 1999 and taught his son countless lessons when it came to hospitality and care. To everyone’s great sadness, Frank passed away suddenly a few years ago. Leaving behind a great company.
Now Bram joins Nick at the helm. The entire team creates an energetic dynamic, they say. ‘We have learned to switch quickly and we think in terms of solutions.’ The modern Brownys combines old values such as servitude and good service with modern things such as brand activation, social media and a network that reaches further than ever. And that network is fully deployed in a fun and creative way.’
That fun and creative thinking was also implemented with the assignment we received from them. We made nice sports bags from old PVC advertising cloths, which they used as gifts for their customers.

Paola: “We are very happy with the bags, thank you.”
start your own project?
Contact us for ideas and more information.
Upcycling of your
used textile materials
Contact details
+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865