Project Felyx
Felyx is a successful scale-up based in Amsterdam that offers shared electric scooters based on fare. They operate in various major cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, but also, for example, in Berlin and Brussels. Their mission is: “Felyx is an innovative scale-up with ambitious plans for more sustainable and shared urban transport. Because cities are becoming more crowded and the air quality is deteriorating, a transition is needed towards new forms of mobility.” This naturally fits in perfectly with our objectives, and we are pleased to be able to carry out assignments for Felyx!
In winter, Felyx shared scooters are provided with a nice warm legcover. Part of the used legcovers are replaced every year due to wear and tear. Felyx does not want to throw away these no longer usable covers, and has approached us to make something out of them. After some consultation, we came up with mittens, which are completely suitable for scooter riding. Felyx has done a campaign on Instagram and raffled off the mitts among their customers.
In subsequent orders we made pouches from the same legcovers in which the hair nets for customers are hygienically stored, and also tote bags, as a Christmas present for the staff.

Ngan Tran: “we did get a really good response for the sustainability aspect of this collaboration. For instance, the views and engagement was quite high for our LinkedIn post where we communicated to various audiences what we had done with Re-Banner. “
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Upcycling of your
used textile materials
Contact details
+32 484 483899
VAT BE 1010 335 865